In this five-part video series, Dickie Stanford, Team Manager of the Williams F1 Team, and Joseph Haugh of the Williams F1 Team pit crew — along with drivers Valtteri Bottas and Pastor Maldonado — talk about the pressures of an F1 pit stop, including how they used to hate it and how the whole world is watching. Practicing 60 pit stops every race weekend, there’s no time for nerves and no time for errors….
They’re brief but rather interesting nonetheless.
Hear from Valtteri Bottas, Pastor Maldonado, Dickie Stanford (Race Team Manager), Xevi Pujolar (Chief Race Engineer) as well our pit crew, including rear jack, wheel gun, wheel on, wheel off and front jack. This is the only thing the pit crew do to help the driver during the race. Everything needs to be done with no mistakes, with absolute precision and with extreme focus. The adrenaline pumps, the excitement builds and the whole world is watching. Take a look into the pit stop from every angle, every perspective
Courtesy of WilliamsF1TV YouTube Channel.